Sunday, June 14, 2009

HPV Test - The Best Predictor Of Cervical Cancer!

HPV testThe Pap smear test reporting ASCUS (atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance) is a major concern in cervical cancer screening.

A Pap test resulting ASCUS refers to a mild abnormality in the cervix.

Most of the Pap-detected mild abnormalities go away without any treatment.

As Pap smear may not clarify the abnormality until cancer has developed, the doctor cannot make sure which abnormality go away and which is more serious (pre-cancer or cancer) for treatment [Cervical cancer treatment].

Fortunately, now there is a test called HPV test, which helps clarify the Pap smear-detected abnormalities and the necessity of treatment. It also provides helpful information that can decide how soon the next Pap test should be and the need of other tests.

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  1. Thanks for Sharing
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